Program Description
One of the most important aspects of our jobs is communication. While there are certain factors that affect how we communicate and interact with colleagues in the workplace, it is the outcome of the intended message that can help us determine the success of our communication.
The Purposeful Communciation Workshop facilitated by Mel Avila will help participants become compelling, memorable, and assertive communicators in both their professional and personal lives. Throughout the learning session, participants will learn how to build relationships, improve productivity and make co-workers feel valued.
Learning Objectives
The primary objective of the workshop is to develop the innate communication skills of participants by aligning their communication strategy to the 5 I's framework:
Develop long-lasting employee motivation and improved relationship.
Boost workplace productivity with clear information and fast delivery.
Make your colleagues feel valued through intentional conversations.
Adapt to different personalities and learn how to deal with difficult co-workers
Your Facilitators
Boris Joaquin
Registered Investors in People (UK) Specialist
Certified Management Consultant, Institute of Management Consultants of the Philippines
Certified Sales Professional™, Sales and Marketing International Institute (Australia)
Certified Marketing Professional™, Sales and Marketing International Institute (Australia)
He is one of the country's top-ranked public speaker and trainer for leadership programs and other soft skills.
The president and chief equipping officer of Breakthrough Leadership Management Consultancy (an affiliate of the United Neon Group of Companies).
The master trainer and country representative of the Lead Like Jesus Training Program (a program designed by Ken Blanchard).
Awardee of University of Santo Tomas' Manuel L. Quezon Leadership Award for 2 consecutive years for practicing his leadership gifts through humanitarian involvements
Editor-in-chief of the People Manager Magazine, official publication of the People Management Association of the Philippines (PMAP) and writes a regular column for and Inquirer Libre!
Leonard "Mel" Avila
He is a seasoned Learning and Organizational Development Practitioner with a degree in Information Technology and over (15) years of experience working in people and talent management.
He is considered as one of the industry’s subject matter expert in the fields of organizational designs, interventions and programs aimed primarily at enhancing and improving leadership management skills and competencies
Currently, he is the Senior HR Manager for a very prominent non-profit foundation in the Philippines.
He is also a Certified Facilitator for Lead Like Jesus Training Program (a program designed by Ken Blanchard and is actively involved developing programs for Project Purpose)
Course Outline
INSTRUCTION: Purposeful Communication
Becoming a compelling communicator
Part 1: Foundations of Communication
Understanding the process of communication
Barriers in communication
Becoming a Great Listener
Part 2: THE 5 I's of Purposeful Communication
Influence - Behaviors and traits of to enhance your influence.
Inspire - Ignite the inner spark to educate and motivate your audience.
Integrate - Understanding key skills to help your audience align and coordinate to a common goal.
Inform - Key skills to effectively cascade information to your audience.
Investigate - Seek and gather your information effectively.
Part 3: Application of Purposeful Communication
Creative Demonstration of Learned Communication Skills (Workshop)
Listen, Truly
Who Should Attend
This is a workshop-driven whole day session which is highly recommended for Supervisors, Team Leads and employees who want to improve workplace communication.